Developing a Personalized Wellness Program for Employees


Employee wellness programs, also known as workplace wellness programs, mark a special place in every organization. The term commonly refers to a collection of initiatives an organization takes to promote healthy lifestyles among the employees, and their immediate family. 

While there are no fixed rules to implement a similar program, and the initiatives vary from one organization to other, the prime goal remains the same – employeesโ€™ wellness at mentally as well as physically.

On a recent account, our Mobile app development companyย developed a personalized employee wellness software for one of our clients. The custom development offered an end-to-end solution to the employees and their organizations alike. The solution has a lot more to offer for the app owners.

But before that, what makes a Personalised employees wellness program that special?

Benefits of a Personalized Wellness Program

Wellness programs offer a sense of responsibility for the organizations. The employees feel they are taken good care of. Undoubtedly, the initiative is highly encouraging for a healthy Employer-worker bond.

The employee health screening mobile apps, however, offer a one size fits all kind of content, and to be very honest this can be a major turnoff. Employeesโ€™ engagement has to be prioritised and personalization is the key that helps to keep the employees and the program on the same page.

At this, professional corporate wellness app development companies ensure that the following requirements are met while they deliver a similar personalized  program:

  • The app can attend userโ€™s health issues.
  • The app can offer personalized health suggestions.
  • The app content is concise to the user’s preferences.
Corporate Wellness Program

Organizations can set up a similar wellness program for their employees with readily available software solutions. The full-fledged software is designed to attend health issues and suggest the corresponding treatments. However, only large corporations have the financial and personnel resources to administer the program (add content and probable remedies).

At this, small and medium-sized organizations can look out for similar wellness programs offered by a wellness vendor. The vendor, who has a team of health care experts, manages the program content. The organizations have to pay the vendor a considerably low subscription charge for the customized employee wellness platform offered. 

Our client wanted to offer a similar end-to-end solution for the organizations with some exciting out-of-box features, that left him with the only option to get this designed from scratch. Our bespoke health check app for employers offered the following:

  • A super admin panel for the client
  • An admin panel for the Agencies
  • iOS and Android app development for the employees.

Our Custom Corporate Wellness Program

The personalized employee wellness program is availed to the employees via mobile applications. Our reputed Hybrid app development companyย developed it for both the mobile app platforms that eventually leads to an excellent User Experience.

Personalized Employee Wellness Mobile App

Our experts have developed a highly user-friendly health monitor app for employees where they can self-assess their health in real-time. Conventionally, the employees would enter their health issues, wait for the healthcare expert at the other end to attend them and add their inputs. 

Our customized app is a saviour here. The users can get suggestions with a simpler tap and assess module.

Employee wellness Mobile app

The assessment starts with a screen with all the major parts of the body. The app collects data about the affected body part to proceed with further assessments. The app next picks up all the queries that relate to neck issues and the factors that run in the background, like age and the medical history of the employee.

The app evaluates the options for generating remedies and exercises. The application further adds information regarding the doctors who specialize in the given field along with their addresses.

Needless to say this, every part of the content relates to the employeeโ€™s immediate situations and probable treatment methods.

What does it hold for the app owners?

The custom health screening app for employers is wholly controlled by the wellness vendor. The app owner can manage everything the program offers – the app content, the agencies under them and the subscription charges. The super admin or the wellness vendor can customize the complete business the way he wants.

Managing Agencies on Corporate Wellness Software 

The app runs on a subscription-based model for the agencies. The wellness vendor can add as many membership plans as he requires. The plan name, the duration and the prices are totally customizable, offering them with the desired freedom to customize the plans as they require.

Creating Subscription plans

The organizations can install the program once they subscribe to a plan. The program offers a dashboard for controlling the app access for the employees, along with a personalized mobile app.  

The wellness vendor can manage the agenciesโ€™ details like name, registered email address and the plan. The super admin dashboard offers an easy toggle option to update the activation status of the agency.

Managing Agencies on employee wellness program

Managing the wellness program business turns that easy.

Managing the Mobile App content

Here comes one of the most important parts of our custom-designed employee wellness program. The super admin can manage the app contents the way he wants. The dashboard offers a Description section that contains all the body parts along with the subsequent sections.

Defining Body part results

The treatment processes can be customized similarly on the dashboard. The admin can easily add the images, the description and the type of the treatment. The dashboard offers a complete platform to add them all with so much ease.

Adding treatments with images and type

Further possibilities

As of now, the app doesnโ€™t charge the employees for any service. The organization pays the subscription on their behalf. However, the dashboard is capable of marking the contents as โ€œPremiumโ€. As a result, the vendors can monetize the treatment processes with time.

As we have developed the end-to-end solution from scratch, we can customize the entire setup the way you want. With a majority of the functions at the right place, we can deliver a personalized employee health and wellness program quicker, thus saving you a majority of the costs. All you need to do is hire Yii2 experts from us.

Our Experience at Developing Custom Mobile Applications

The Brihaspati Infotech is a pioneer in developing custom web and mobile app solutions. The team has played a key role in developing tailored solutions for brands analyzing the voids in their current workflow.

In our decade worth of industrial experience, we have developed several solutions that ease the management for the owners. The current project is designed using Yii2 framework which is known for its capability for designing custom dashboards.

In one of our recent projects, we have discussed the Social Sports Mobile App development where the client wanted a custom mobile app for the end-users. The app offered a great platform for the sports clubs and the business owners as well.

Final Words

The Internet has its effect on nearly every business sector. Not only has it impacted the online businesses but also the way physical stores were managed and seen.

Most businesses we have come across never knew they would ever require an online solution until they found one of their competitors online. A majority of them didnโ€™t know they would require a tailored solution until they approached us.

Our bespoke solutions have helped them in more than one way. Does your business also need a similar tailored solution?

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