How to Run a Successful Facebook Ads Campaign?

In our prior post, we had discussed some useful tricks to ‘Retain Facebook Likes After Change In Domain‘. To continue with our series on social media, we will be discussing here various components and tricks to run a successful Facebook ads campaign to compliment your business advertising.
Since past many years, Facebook has established itself as the king of all social networks with over 1 billion estimated unique visitors around the world. This is the reason, every small or big business don’t want to lose this Facebook Advertising opportunity offered by Facebook.
Facebook offers a wide range of useful features which is ideally suited for companies looking for their brand promotion like posting an ad campaign with a specific objective, targeting audience and setting your own budget etc. As compared to other social media, Facebook provides cheaper and convenient platform to set up an ad campaign. Moreover, you get an added advantage of performing experiments on different ad campaigns without spending much money on it.
Recent advancement in Facebook business technology can effectively track its visitors behavior and online habits and accordingly shows them respective advertisements of their interests. Therefore, advertisers are showing more trust on Facebook that their ad will be shown only to specified targeted viewers and their money will not get wasted.
But a big question still arise here, how you will get the most out of a Facebook ad campaign?
First, Make a Strategy!
Before starting to create your Facebook ad, find out and set your clear business objective with a goal. Better create a different ad campaign aiming a specific goal with your landing page and achieving multiple goals.
Here, we are describing some important parameters to Run A Successful Facebook ads Campaign:
A) Follow Facebook Ads Components
There are four important components that you must keep in mind to Run a Successful Facebook ads Campaign:
1. Image Resolution
An image can transmit at least 90% of the information to the brain. Image of your ads campaign needs to be appealing and eye-catching, no matter what is your ad objective.
Therefore you need to keep following points in mind before selecting your image:
- The image should be clear and eye-catching.
- Select a relevant image as per your service or product.
- Use simple images with minimum text and small details.
- Don’t include more than 20% text in Image.
- Recommended pixels for image size is 1200 x 628 or ratio 1.91:1.
During Facebook ad creation, you can upload multiple pictures to generate three different ads. This will help you to assess and compare which one show better performance.
2. Relevant Ads Target
- Relevant ads can be crucial to deciding the success and failure of your Facebook campaign.
- Showing irrelevant and off the target ads are just a wastage of your money and time. This will not result in any advertising success.
- Just like Google AdWords, Facebook Advertising also can rate your ads campaign and provide the relevant score for it. Higher ads score depends on upon how relevant is your ad image, text, and targeted page with respect to the audience.
3. Attention Grabbing ‘Punch Line’
- A ‘Punchline’ may be the most important component in your ad campaign. It tells viewers about your service or product and how your offer is just different from others?
- Use some attention-grabbing value proposition in your ‘Punchline’ so that a viewer can not stop himself to click on your ad and visit your targeted Goal link.
- A value proposition can be an offer on your service or product or a proof for any of your product or service popular on social media.
4. Call-to-Action
- Even if you have created an attractive and relevant ad without a clear call-to-action (CTA) your viewer may get confuse what to do next.
- You can use an effective CTA like ‘Buy now and save’ or ‘Get An Early Bird Offer’ to encourage viewers to see your offer.
B) Format Your Ads-Campaign
Also, there are two formats offered by Facebook Ads i.e.
- The right-hand column and
- The News Feed.
Both formats differ in the placement of the ad, writing size and recommended image size.
Right-Hand Column
As the name suggests, it shows on the right side of the Facebook news feed and is the most traditional one. Due to its popularity, it is still being used since the launch of Facebook advertising.
The News Feed
It shows directly in a viewer’s Facebook News Feed, like a native advertising. These ads may be more expensive than right-hand column ads and promises a higher engagement rate.
According to your business objective or budget you can choose any one of above format to place your ad campaign successfully.
C) Choose Facebook Ad-post
After implementing all above components and formatting, finally, choose a suitable ad-post from a variety of post types offered by Facebook Advertising. You should always choose your relevant ad-post type for a successful ad campaign. Various offered ad-posts are described below:
Since the Launch of Facebook, a rich media post of an image is the most popular one. Adjust News Feed image ads size to 1200×628 pixels to avoid image to get cropped.
This ad showcases multiple products or services within a single ad. People can scroll and click on individual image links for each product and service.
Local Business
You can only use this ad if you own a physical location for your business to get customers. Local ads can be the best fit for those businesses who fall into this category.
Using ‘Offer ads’ you can promote your service or product with an attractive discount offer that can be redeemed. It usually helps to boost sales by eliminating one step in the buying process.
As the name tells itself, this ad helps to promote a specific event. When an advertiser plan to host any event, then he can post an event ad where targeted group of users are directly sent to a purchase link with a CTA embedded on it.
This post can be re-targeted to a whole or specific list of previously identified viewers. You must have seen ads that follow you online after surfing a specific website. These are re-targeted ads types.
Boost Post
Facebook offers you to boost any organic Facebook post on your Facebook homepage that is performing better than other by spending some money. In contrast to all other ad posts, ‘Boost post’ is not created in ad manager.
Video Ads
Video ads are treated more favorably on Facebook timeline. Video ads promise more viewers engagement and conversion. So, you should surely avail this opportunity by posting your business services or products video ads.
If you are 100% sure that you have set your ad campaign as per your strategy plan and also implemented all necessary components according to the Facebook guideline, then you can set your budget and scheduled time to Post your ad.
Yes! You’ve Done It!
Now, Place your order and hope for the Best!
You may start getting reports on the very next day.
D) Optimize Ads-performance
Now, if results are in your favor then you can further optimize your performance by trying following tricks:
Split test
As we have already discussed above, an Image is the most important and relevant part of an ad campaign. So, you should always try it first for a split test. Within the same ad set create new ads. Although the newly created ads will share the same targeted objective, but here the major trick is that you can use different creative approaches and try entirely different images.
Createe new ad sets
As a more bold move, you can explore things in more depth. Create a second ad set having a completely different segment. Here, you may see some tremendous results either with success or failure. Also, you can try to target either your own Facebook fan following or using a list of your rival company’s Facebook followers.
We hope with this whole discussion you will get some idea about various important components and factors to Run a Successful Facebook ads Campaign.
Thanks for reading!
Weโd like to know how your Facebook ad campaign is going now! Don’t hesitate to share your comments! For any of your query, you may contact us. We will soon revert you with an answer.