Developing Custom Product Video App – Shopify


Online stores offer fewer seconds for converting visitors to customers. The more a website talks with the videos and images, the more chances you create to convince the visitors.

According to a recent report,

73% of consumers confirm they are more likely to buy a product after watching videos that explain how it works.

Product video stats

Source: E-commerce Product Videos

Consumers tend to navigate from support communities to Youtube tutorials to analyze the product and its features in a real life-like environment. They expect a lowered barrier between the online and offline buying experience.

With that in mind, online business owners are asking for a common platform that not only helps them sell products but also to add related videos of their choice. The community of e-commerce developers has proved handy in building applications that cater to these video management options.

The in-house Shopify custom front end development team at The Brihaspati Infotech has recently assisted a client in developing a custom app that can embed video in Shopify Product Page. The client is offered a handy admin panel that allows them to add product videos of their choice, with zero tech assistance.

Letโ€™s learn the complete approach.

Need for a Shopify custom front end development

Our client sells some precious wearables on the leading marketplaces- eBay and Etsy. In the meantime, he wanted a better way to manage his products and the ability to sell them from his personal Shopify store. Our developers have built custom applications to import products from the marketplace to the Shopify store along with their details. The integration also leads to a centrally managed inventory allowing the merchants to manage their stock levels with ease.

Here are the links for both the blogs:

In the process, we have created two subdomains, where each subdomain caters to the respective marketplaces. While one of the subdomains serves as a parallel store to the eBay marketplace for an exclusive collection of Watches, the other does the same for the jewelry collection on Etsy.

However, building a store is more than just storing products.

The client wanted to further the abilities of his Shopify store to more functions like adding product videos. As a result, the potential customers could preview the products in a real life-like environment, understanding its exact structure and looks before finally purchasing it.

The in-house app store didnโ€™t have many Shopify product video solutions to embed videos directly to the Shopify product pages. The only ones that existed didnโ€™t offer enough functions to meet the storesโ€™ exact requirements.

In short, the client was in dire need of a custom App development for adding Shopify product page video.

Our solution: Shopify Product Video App Development

Considering the requirements of the client, our developers made arrangements to add videos directly to the Shopify store. In the following image, we have the storefront custom designed by our developers. We can find the product banner, the product images along with the Youtube video.

Embedded Youtube Video

The video is embedded with the store. The customers can play it on the store, without actually navigating to a new tab for Youtube.

The app comes with a custom admin panel to make arrangements for the Shopify pages. The admins can take the following calls using the app:

  • Embedding videos
  • Adding Banners
  • Adding Content

The client wanted all these customizations on the categories of his collections, like brand names. In the previous picture, it is noticeable that the collection was for a brand named Patek Philippe. The video is specially created for the collection, along with a description and the banner above.

Embedding Video on the Shopify Product Page

The app comes with a customized admin panel allowing the merchant to add videos on a go. We have made sufficient adjustments with the frontends to place the video at the desired place. As a result, the admins donโ€™t have to scratch their heads at adjusting the videoโ€™s positioning or disturbing the rest of the page components.

The following Gif file elaborates on the procedure to add Videos to any product collection page.

Adding video to Shopify store

The app manages the addition via a custom form. It includes fields for:

Youtube Video URL: To add the exact Youtube URL you expect on the Shopify storefront.

Collections page: The page URL of the store, where the video needs to be added. The field covers all the collection pages.

The admin can thus, simply add the Youtube URL and select the Collection page. To embed product video on Shopify is that easy.

Previewing the product video

The admin dashboard allows him to preview all the added videos on the go. The custom Shopify product video preview app offers a tailored option to do the task. The following gif file explains the part better:

The admin can thus hit the โ€œPreviewโ€ option to take a glance at the Youtube-based video.

The custom-designed app enables your store with further Shopify product video options like:

  • Replacing the existing URL
  • Removing the Video

Further customizations to the store

Along with developing a Shopify product video app, our developers have made some significant changes on the storefront:

Infinite Scroll

The default Shopify store limits the number of products to be shown on a screen. The user is required to click on the Next button to browse through the next list of products.

The client, however, wanted a way to replace the default landing page with an endless number of products.

The customers can now scroll through products endlessly unless they find the product of their interest.

Defining categories and custom buttons.

We have assorted the huge list of products to multiple categories. The most popular ones of them are placed as custom buttons at the top of the landing page. The user can select any of the buttons and the user is navigated through a list of products that fall to this category.

In the following picture, we can notice the custom category buttons at the top. The user here has selected โ€œBraceletsโ€ to narrow down the searches.

Category buttons on Shopify

It is worth noticing that the next page says Home>>Bracelets with all the products from the category โ€œBraceletsโ€.

Custom Shopify sidebar filter app

Shopify, by default, doesnโ€™t offer a custom product filter. As a result, narrowing down the product searching often turns out tricky. For obvious reasons, our client wanted our developers to find a tailored solution to this.

Our Shopify product filter app development offers a good many filtering options to your Shopify customers. The app offers Shopify custom filters to narrow down the searches with so much ease.

The result:

In the above Gif file, we can find the user first making searches on the basis of the price range. It works on a slider bar and can be customized to any range of your choice.

The search is further deduced by adding customizations like the desired โ€œcategoryโ€ and โ€œGemstoneโ€ type.

Our experience with Video preview app development

The E-commerce development team at The Brihaspati Infotech has been recognized globally for developing tailored e-commerce solutions. We have worked on popular e-commerce platforms like Shopify, Magento, WooCommerce, and BigCommerce. Apart from building private solutions for the E-Commerce giants, our team has delivered several solutions to respective e-commerce stores, which demands strict adherence to the app storesโ€™ policies and standards.

In the past, our developers have developed solutions for managing Videos. In one of our blogs, we have discussed Video Community Membership Site. The platform was WordPress, however, similar implementation is possible on any eCommerce platform.

Currently, the app embeds only Youtube videos, as it was everything the client wanted. However, our app can be customized to more video platforms like Vimeo, if required at the client’s end.

Final words

Shopify frontend often seems somewhat rigid for the desired UI a merchant likes to offer on his store. However, with an experienced team of custom Shopify front end developers, it is definitely possible to add the right components to your store.

If your store also requires a similar Shopify video preview app development or if you are looking to hire Shopify experts you can always reach out to us. You can contact us directly or drop an email to discuss your project.

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