Bigcommerce Product customization App: Personalize your products


Advancement in Technology has paved the way for better earnings across various business models. Businesses have turned more scalable in terms of their market reach and thus the client base.

Needless to say, it has helped them generate more leads over the course of time than before.

The other side of the coin, it has raised the competition in the niche markets. Clients have more options to choose from, thus leaving the providers with the only option to improvise. It is high time to stay a step ahead of customerโ€™s demands.

โ€œProduct Customizationโ€ has come up as one major component that determines the business relations with any brand.

As per Deloitte, 36% of consumers prefer to purchase personalized services or products, while 48% of consumers said that they can willingly wait longer to receive their customized products.

With product customization, the user can ask the provider for modifications in the original product, making it more personalized and unique. 

Large firms generally demand to have their name or logo carved across various accessories; from jerseys to coffee mugs to a pen. Considering a large team, merchants can utilize this as the appropriate time to elevate their sales.

Our BigCommerce Development company had a great opportunity to assist the client in developing their Product Configurator.

The GIF takes us to a brief tour of the customization app we developed for them.

A brief about the BigCommerce Product customization app

Our client was deeply interested in offering product customizations to its customers.  The organization has been providing premium quality Scrubs to leading Hospitals and clinics across the UK and beyond. 

The firm offers brand-specific apparels to the clients, enabling them to have outfits with personalized logos and texts.

The soaring demands for their products was a definite upside, however, managing products and customizations for individual and bulks turned out to be a big challenge on their existing BigCommerce store. They had several fields to be filled up while taking orders. The list included the following:

-> the product ID

-> if the customer needs customizations

-> the custom texts

-> the custom logos

-> position of the embroidery

They realized the pain points associated while maintaining these records and the intricacies at solving them.

All they needed was some tool that could ease the management thus helping them streamline the entire workflow, both at the front as well as the back.

How we helped them in organizing the entire flow?

The most crucial part of the process was to extract product details from the BigCommerce store. A customised Yii2 Framework helped us at this. The highly advanced PHP based framework made it easier to extract the product particulars with precision.

Option to avail Embroidery

As a user, you may opt to go with/without any customization. With that in mind, our developers offered the option to make the product personalise. The user can either go with personal configuration or avail himself the root variant.

Option to avail Embroidery

Collecting Data

We needed a solution that could fetch requirements from the user with ease and accuracy. Adding a custom field for the logos and the texts minimised the efforts and maximized the results at the same time. 

The following GIF shows how our custom field fetches the desired configurations.

Collecting Data The user can simply add and confirm the desired text and logo for the embroidery.
We added another custom field that fetches the customerโ€™s Login credentials to save the desired configurations.
The Login field helps recognizing the customer and plays a big role in saving him against repeat purchases.

Increments in the price

The price of the final product is supposed to vary with every new component, in the form of text or logos. We took help of basic JavaScripts and jQuery codes to make that work. The codes helped to modify the rates effectively with every addition.

Here we see an example where the customer is uploading a new logo, for which he will be charged 29.99 extra pounds apart from 5 pounds for incising it making it to 34.99 pounds.

Our Admin panel informs the BigCommerce panel about the previous interactions with any customer. The panel disallows the user to be charged multiple times for uploading the same logo more than once.

Ordering the same product customization for bulk

Customizing a single product was already made easy. We now looked around for a way to avail the same customization on multiple sets. One of the available options was to manually redo the steps.

But we were supposed to help here. We thus introduced a button at the end. We can see in the GIF below how the same customisation is copied to all the products.

Customizations done for the Merchantโ€™s end

This far we have seen the parts that are visible to the customer. How does the merchant see the desirables? How is he going to manage the configurations? How will he manage the products?
We designed the solution for this part as well to fill the vacuum.

Enabling/Disabling Customization for specific products

The Admin can avail the users the option for customizing a few products. The field highlighted below helps them with the same.

Customization for specific products

Only the products with a Yes in that field are allowed to have customization. Rest are availed in their raw form.
The Admin, thus has a full-fledged control over the products and if they allow customization.

How the Merchant receives the details?

The merchant was expected to receive data in the most simplified manner. We utilized the tabular format here to meet the needs. The fields kept things simple and precise.

Merchant receives the details

The table also helps the seller to download the logo in PNG, thus saving the picture quality and efficiency of the task.
The data sheet contains details about the order number, the email ID and the expected customizations. The PNG format offers a scalable image quality that could be printed regardless of the background colour.

Email Alerts by the BigCommerce Product Customization App

Our BigCommerce Developers have left no stones unturned making sure that the process remains as transparent as it could be. At the end of the order, both the merchant as well as the customer receive a confirmation email from our side confirming the order and the exact details.

Email Alerts by the BigCommerce Product Customization App
How capable is our BigCommerce Product Customizer?

Having said that, our BigCommerce Product Customization application is among the first few tools that render services for merchants as well as the users.
The users have their own freedom for choosing embroidery.
With our BigCommerce Product Customizer app, a user can easily bring off the following tasks:

Customizing Texts on the final product

The Bigcommerce Product customization App developed by us, lets the user customize their own texts. With up to 21 characters in every custom-designed field, a user can have his own text incised. A pop up gives you the option to type in the desired texts and the side you need them to be scripted on. A user is given the option to add texts at either sides.
You can select Font style and Font Color of your choice giving you the right freedom to have a text design of your choice.
A sample of the font style and the color are mentioned in the blue button by their side serving a sample of your text. Here is a sample that describes the same.

The BigCommerce Product customizer app allows the user to add their own logos on any one side. You can either upload a new logo with an additional one-time setup fee or can continue with the previously used logos.\

Adding Logo

Final words on our BigCommerce Product Customization app

BigCommerce is a great platform for developing customized apps. While it is often seen a bit complicated than Shopify in terms of ease-of-use, the back-end coding helps it to integrate with the functions with far better synchronization. For obvious reasons, you might need to hire expert BigCommerce Developers, and they are worth the price.

At The Brihaspati Infotech, the BigCommerce Developers are well versed and they understand the exact needs to be implemented at your store. We know the level of integration your e-commerce website deserves to deliver the much-needed functionalities and render essential synchronization in the flow.

Above all, we recognize the market demands and the necessary steps to keep you ahead of the time. We are just a click away from assisting you with tremendous growth possibilities.

The BigCommerce Product Configurator we developed is seen as one of the first of its kinds. The desired skills on Coding, backed by the years of experience at e-commerce, helped us develop the unique product Customizer.

If you own an e-Commerce website and are looking for a way to introduce a new feature to your store, you probably have landed at your last stop.

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