We at The Brihaspati Infotech have pioneered the integration of Aodhan Wheels* for Extreme Performance, a reputed auto client in the US. Aodhan Wheels, a top-notch aftermarket wholesale distributor, offers wheels and rims for performance, luxury, and standard vehicles.

This strategic solution has opened new business growth opportunities for our client. Let’s discover how this aftermarket wheels integration can transform your auto business.

Our Aodhan Wheels Integration Case Study for Headless BigCommerce Store

At The Brihaspati Infotech, our BigCommerce developers helped Extreme Performance by integrating with Aodhan Wheels. We spearheaded the aftermarket auto parts Integration for their headless BigCommerce store to help the business grow.

Our Case Study on Aodhan Integration

Let’s take you through the main steps to the aftermarket auto parts eCommerce solution: 

Step 1: Compatibility Analysis and Bespoke Data Mapping Strategy 

We evaluated the existing websites of Aodhan Wheels and the client to determine the feasibility of integration. In addition, we prepared a bespoke mapping strategy to create a seamless data exchange between the two websites.

Data Mapping for Aodhan Wheels integration

Step 2: Custom Database Development  

Uploading bulk product data from the Aodhan website to the client website was challenging. Thus, we created a custom database to efficiently store and manage large volumes of data coming from the Aodhan API.

Custom Database Creation for Integration

Step 3: Inventory Synchronization for Stock Management 

We implemented an inventory synchronization system that automatically updates stock levels from the Aodhan API to Extreme Performance websites. Additionally, we used webhooks and scheduled tasks (CRON jobs) to maintain accurate and consistent inventory data. As a result, this setup enables real-time inventory management and eliminates data discrepancies between the two websites. 

Inventory Synchronization between Aodhan Wheels and client website

Step 4: Comprehensive Testing for Aodhan Wheels Integration 

We created comprehensive test cases to ensure aftermarket wheels integration run seamlessly on the Extreme Performance website. The tests were conducted during the controlled staging environment to prevent business disruption.  

Testing Aodhan Wheels integration

Step 5: Go Live and Monitor  

Our team deployed the integration in phases to monitor the impact on live environments. Moreover, we continue to monitor the integration performance and user experience. From resolving technical bugs to optimizing website performance, our end-to-end integration services have you covered.

The integration goes live

How Integration with Aodhan Wheels Propels Automobile Businesses Forward? 

Our auto parts eCommerce solutions can be a game changer for aftermarket parts distributors and automobile businesses.

Benefits of integrating with Aodhan Wheels

Let’s discover how Aodhan wheels and rims integration turns things in your favor: 

  • Effective inventory Management: Integrating with aftermarket auto parts websites enables real-time inventory tracking. Hence eliminating the risk of overstocking or stockouts. 
  • Expand Store Inventory: Aodhan Wheels integrations add hundreds of luxury and performance wheels to your website. Thus creating more sales opportunities for your business. 
  • Simplified Order Fulfillment: Auto parts eCommerce integration automates the transfer of order information from your website to the fulfillment system. This ensures that orders are fulfilled accurately and without delay.  
  • Improved Customer Experience: An accurate, up-to-date product listing and efficient inventory management improve shopping experience.

Whether you have Shopify, Magento, or any other eCommerce platform, our powerful aftermarket Wheels integrations can help you succeed.  Let’s work together to achieve greater success.

Who Can Use Aodhan Wheels Integration? 

Aodhan Wheels integration works for the entire automobile industry. Here are the businesses that can take advantage of the aftermarket wheels integrations:

Automobile Dealership

Automobile Dealerships

Aftermarket Auto Store

Aftermarket Auto Stores

Car and truck service Centers

Car Service Centers

Car Parts Drop shippers

Car Parts Dropshippers

Challenges During Aodhan Wheels Integration  

Integrating with Aodhan Wheels was successful. However, we encountered some temporary challenges during integration. Our experience in similar automotive integrations — The Wheel Group and Turn 14 — helped us overcome each one of them.

Challenges while integrating Aodhan Wheels

Data Compatibility Issues

During the aftermarket wheels integration, we discovered that the data formats used by the Aodhan website differed from those of our client. Consequently, we implemented robust data mapping using a middleware tool (Talend), ensuring accurate data translation and transfer. 

API Limitations

Our integration process was affected due to API rate limits and functional limitations. This caused problems in efficient inventory updates and order processing. However, we optimized API interaction by consolidating API calls and implementing intelligent caching mechanisms. 

Bulk Data Synchronization Problems 

Synchronizing bulk inventory was critical for us. To address this, we implemented webhooks for rapid product updates triggered by specific events within Aodhan’s system. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How much time does Aodhan Wheels integration take?

Every project is unique to us. After studying your website and discussing other project details, we can share a tentative project timeline. Please schedule a consultation and request for the expected delivery time.

What can I expect after aftermarket parts integration?

Our aftermarket parts integration can provide multiple business benefits such as 

1. Enhanced product collection 
2. Explore additional sales opportunities 
3. Enhanced order tracking and fulfillment 
4. Seamless inventory management 
5. Increased customer satisfaction

Additionally, powerful auto parts eCommerce solutions like our Aodhan Wheels integration can provide a competitive edge over others in the industry.

How much does Aodhan Wheels integration cost? 

The cost of integrating Aodhan Wheels with your website can vary depending on several factors including

1. The complexity of the integration
2. The specific project requirements
3. Custom features if any

Schedule a consultation to discuss your project needs for a detailed estimate.

Can you customize Aodhan Wheels integration for my project?

Yes, absolutely. Our team works with clients to plan and execute custom integration requests without compromising quality. Please share your project details today. 
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We would like to clarify that we have no affiliation, association, or endorsement with Aodhan Wheels or its affiliated companies. Any references made to Aodhan Wheels, its products, services, or trademarks are solely for informational purposes and do not imply any endorsement or partnership.

Let’s Start Integration with Aodhan Wheels for Auto Success 

Aodhan Wheels integration helped our client explore massive sales opportunities in the aftermarket parts industry. We ensured the project remains on track, from initial planning to implementation and ongoing website maintenance.

At TBI, our custom integration specialists help automotive businesses of all scales and sizes achieve their business goals. Don’t settle with mediocre results and strive ahead with powerful automotive integrations like ours.

Consult us and start your journey to grow your automobile business like never before.

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